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Problem Report 0043 Details

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This page provides all information on Problem Report 0043 and all reviews you are authorized to see.

Report 0043 Actions

    Problem Report Number 0043
    Submitter's Classification Specification problem
    State Resolved
    Resolution Interpretation (INT)
    Problem Resolution ID INT.ITDC.0019
    Raised 2010-07-01 01:05
    Updated 2010-11-18 16:57
    Published 2010-11-18 16:57
    Requirements Open CA Certification Conformance Requirements Version 1.2
    Certification Program Open CA Certification Program
    Specification Open CA Certification Conformance Requirements Version 1.2
    Location in Spec CFS12 and EC04
    Linked Problem Reports PR0002
    Problem Summary CFS12 and EC04: do they cover the same requirement?
    Problem Text Originally, CF12 talked about method, without being specific about what sort of method.
    PR0002 was raised to add clarity, and was resolved by requiring the methods cited in
    response to CFS12 to be recognised by the Open Group.

    This has lad to confusion among applicants, as CFS12 and EC04 appear to be asking for
    much the same information.

    Candidates need guidance on what is required of them

    Review Information

    Review Type SA Review
    Start Date 2010-07-01 01:05
    Last Updated 2010-11-16 15:52
    Completed 2010-11-16 15:52
    Status Complete
    Review Resolution Interpretation (INT)
    Review Conclusion After further consideration, the ITAC working group has decided
    that the overlap between CFS12 and EC04 should be resolved by

    1. deleting the requirement in EC04, and

    2. replacing the description of CFS12 with the following text:

    Given a work effort, adapt, apply, and enforce the use of a method
    that meets the method recognition criteria in section 6 of the
    Conformance Requirements to successfully create architectural
    work products that meet the requirements of the work effort

    Demonstrated ability to follow a recognized method ensures
    repeatability of delivery and success.

    Candidates are not required to have used more than one

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