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Problem Report 0035 Details

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Report 0035 Actions

    Problem Report Number 0035
    Submitter's Classification Specification problem
    State Submitter Notified
    Resolution Rejected (REJ) (Unpublished)
    Problem Resolution ID No Resolution ID Given
    Raised 2009-07-03 05:45
    Updated 2012-05-29 16:51
    Requirements Open CA Certification Conformance Requirements
    Certification Program Open CA Certification Program
    Specification Open CA Certification Policy
    Location in Spec 2.1.5 Three (3) members of the Certification Board will be assigned to
    interview the individual in
    Linked Problem Reports 0036
    Problem Summary ACP Boards may operate as panels rather than serial interviews
    Problem Text An accreditation organization wishes their Boards to operate as
    interview panels, in which a team interview (of up to 2 hours) take place
    between a candidate and the board members simultaneously rather than
    3 one at a time interviews in series.

    Given the more demanding environment for candidates, and the way in
    which the board may behave as a group, it is considered most unlikely
    that a candidate would be accepted by this approach but rejected by
    serial interviews. There is therefore no expected reduction in the
    quality of the program.

    This would also allow for witnesses to discrepecies with first hand
    knowledtge of what went on during an board interview, addressing risk
    concerns of the organization performing the review.

    An ACP operating with panels should be required to constitute the board
    in a similar fashion to the current Open Group process definition.

    ACPs that wish to operate serial boards may of course continue to do so.

    No change is implied for the way direct boards operate.

    Review Information

    Review Type SA Review
    Start Date 2009-07-03 13:45
    Last Updated 2012-05-29 16:28
    Completed 2012-05-29 16:28
    Status Complete
    Review Resolution Rejected (REJ)
    Review Conclusion The Working Group rejects the request, seeing no reason to change the
    agreed Certification Policy

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