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Problem Report 0029 Details

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Report 0029 Actions

    Problem Report Number 0029
    Submitter's Classification Certification System problem
    State Resolved
    Resolution Interpretation (INT)
    Problem Resolution ID INT.ITDC.0018
    Raised 2008-06-19 19:05
    Updated 2009-07-14 19:49
    Published 2009-07-14 19:49
    Requirements Open CA Certification Conformance Requirements
    Certification Program Open CA Certification Program
    Problem Summary Recertification process needs to accomodate time out of post
    Problem Text A Certified IT architect may not be able to re-certify under the process
    defined in version 1.4 of the certification policy if they are on
    maternity or paternity leave, or otherwise unable to complete the
    process. The ITAC program should allow people with lapsed
    certifications to re-enter the program subsequently, without having to
    apply from scratch.

    Suggested text for addition at the end of section 8.2 in version 1.4 of the
    Certification Policy:

    "If a Certified IT Architect fails to re-certify within four (4) months
    after the
    re-certification due date, their certification will lapse. IT Architects
    certification has lapsed may regain their certification by re-certifying at
    any time up until one (1) year after their re-certification due date. In
    cases the new three-year certification period also starts at the re-
    certification due date"

    Review Information

    Review Type CA Review
    Start Date 2008-06-19 19:05
    Last Updated 2008-07-09 00:35
    Completed 2008-07-09 00:35
    Status Complete
    Review Recommendation Interpretation (INT)
    Review Response The SA has agreed text for addition at the end of section 8.2 in version
    1.4 of the Certification Policy:

    "If a Certified IT Architect fails to re-certify within four (4) months
    after the
    re-certification due date, their certification will lapse. IT Architects
    certification has lapsed may regain their certification by re-certifying at
    any time up until one (1) year after their re-certification due date. In
    cases the new three-year certification period also starts at the re-
    certification due date"

    Review Type SA Review
    Start Date 2008-07-08 23:35
    Last Updated 2008-07-09 00:37
    Completed 2008-07-09 00:37
    Status Complete
    Review Resolution Interpretation (INT)
    Review Conclusion The SA has agreed text for addition at the end of section 8.2 in version
    1.4 of the Certification Policy:

    "If a Certified IT Architect fails to re-certify within four (4) months
    the re-certification due date, their certification will lapse. IT
    whose certification has lapsed may regain their certification by re-
    certifying at any time up until one (1) year after their
    re-certification due
    date. In such cases the new three-year certification period also starts at
    the re-certification due date"

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