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Problem Report 0027 Details

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This page provides all information on Problem Report 0027 and all reviews you are authorized to see.

Report 0027 Actions

    Problem Report Number 0027
    Submitter's Classification Specification problem
    State Resolved
    Resolution Interpretation (INT)
    Problem Resolution ID INT.ITDC.0017
    Raised 2008-03-04 21:23
    Updated 2009-07-14 19:48
    Published 2009-07-14 19:48
    Requirements Open CA Certification Conformance Requirements Version 1.0
    Certification Program Open CA Certification Program
    Specification Open CA Certification Level 3 Chief Lead Conformance Requirements Version 1.0
    Location in Spec Section 4.1
    Problem Summary Level 3 Chief Lead Conformance requirements silent on References
    Problem Text The requiremehnts fior References appears only in the "how
    documented" column of EC.L3.01.
    The ITAC working group decided that references at Level 3 should be
    required for each of the Experience profiles and this is aptrured in the
    Package Template but not in teh Conformance requirements

    In Section 4.1 change:
    "In either case, each profiled project entity must meet all of the Experience
    Profile criteria defined in Table 4 below. "
    "In either case, each profiled project entity must meet all of the Experience
    Profile criteria defined in Table 4 below.

    For each project or engagement cited in a profile, references are required
    to confirm the Candidate?s role, and the strategic nature and the success
    of the project (see EXP.L3.04). References must be from a principle
    stakeholder in the solution who is familiar with the project and its
    significance to the business.
    References must describe the stakeholder?s relationship with the project
    and their business relationship to the Candidate.
    References may be customers/clients (internal or external) or Master
    Certified IT Architects or Distinguished IT Architects who are not the
    Candidate?s immediate manager. Internal clients who provide a reference
    must have a formal customer/client relationship defined; e.g., formal
    acceptance criteria for the work"

    Review Information

    Review Type SA Review
    Start Date 2008-03-04 21:23
    Last Updated 2008-07-09 00:30
    Completed 2008-07-09 00:30
    Status Complete
    Review Resolution Interpretation (INT)
    Review Conclusion In Section 4.1 change:
    "In either case, each profiled project entity must meet all of the
    Profile criteria defined in Table 4 below. "
    "In either case, each profiled project entity must meet all of the
    Profile criteria defined in Table 4 below.

    For each project or engagement cited in a profile, references are required
    to confirm the Candidate?s role, and the strategic nature and the success
    of the project (see EXP.L3.04). References must be from a principle
    stakeholder in the solution who is familiar with the project and its
    significance to the business.
    References must describe the stakeholder?s relationship with the project
    and their business relationship to the Candidate.
    References may be customers/clients (internal or external) or Master
    Certified IT Architects or Distinguished IT Architects who are not the
    Candidate?s immediate manager. Internal clients who provide a reference
    must have a formal customer/client relationship defined; e.g., formal
    acceptance criteria for the work"

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