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Problem Report 0015 Details

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This page provides all information on Problem Report 0015 and all reviews you are authorized to see.

Report 0015 Actions

    Problem Report Number 0015
    Submitter's Classification Specification problem
    State Resolved
    Resolution Interpretation (INT)
    Problem Resolution ID INT.ITDC.0011
    Raised 2006-06-30 23:07
    Updated 2006-08-29 19:37
    Published 2006-08-29 19:37
    Requirements Open CA Certification Conformance Requirements
    Certification Program Open CA Certification Program
    Problem Summary Inconsistency in the number of required Experience Profiles for Level 1
    Problem Text In section 4.1 on page 24 it states ?Candidates must provide three (3)
    Experience Profiles?? There is no differentiation between Level 1 and
    Level 2.
    Whereas, on page 26 under EXP06 the requirement for Level 1
    is ?Candidates must have acted in the role of IT Architect of at least two
    (2) successful architectural engagements or projects?, but for Level
    2 ?Candidates must have acted in the role of IT Architect of at least three
    (3) successful architectural engagements.?
    How many Experience Profiles should a Level 1 candidate submit ? two
    successful and one unsuccessful? This needs clarification. A differential
    of two Experience Profiles for Level 1 and three for level 2 would not
    seem unreasonable.

    Review Information

    Review Type CA Review
    Start Date 2006-06-30 23:07
    Last Updated 2006-07-14 22:38
    Completed 2006-07-14 22:38
    Status Complete
    Review Recommendation No Resolution Given
    Review Response This is an issue concerned with the Conformance Requirements rather
    than the certification system or process, so should be considered as an

    The CA has no opinion on the substance of the matter

    Review Type SA Review
    Start Date 2006-07-14 21:38
    Last Updated 2006-07-20 00:11
    Completed 2006-07-20 00:11
    Status Complete
    Review Resolution Interpretation (INT)
    Review Conclusion Change accepted using the proposed modification - Change the text in
    section 4.1 on page 24 for level 1 to read ?Candidates for Level 1 IT Architect
    Certification must provide two (2)
    Experience Profiles and candidates for Level 2 Master IT Architect
    Certification must provide three (3) Experience Profiles. Each Experience
    Profile must describe a project undertaken...

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