Problem Description [CSC template]
This problem report is not against the existing TOGAF certification
program that is running against the The Open Group Architecture
Framework (TOGAF) Certification Policy, October, 2005,
Version 1.1. This problem report is being submitted for the attention
of the Certification Standing Committee to consider for future changes
to the certification program.
1.Issue Description:
[ describe the problem in detail so that someone not familiar with the
issue can understand the matter]
We need to review the TOGAF Certification Policy (doc X050) to
decide whether it needs to be revised for the next iteration of the
TOGAF Certification program that is being developed for the
new version of the specification due this year.
2. Issue Impact:
[describe the impact of not dealing with this issue]
We could leave the policy as it is and assume that the types of
product standards and policies described within the document
hold for the new version of the program unchanged.
3. Issue Urgency:
[enter Urgent or Not urgent AND Important or Not important per Steven
Covey's time management matrix]
Urgent and Important. The policy document is the keystone document
for the certification program and is usually revised first for each
iteration of the program.
4. Issue Time Window:
[enter the timeframe in which this issue must be addressed, else the
negative impact will be realized]
Assuming we decide a revision is necessary, we should aim to
have the Certification Policy document revised within four months
( this is a realistic timeline), that is by end of July 2008
(note that this is just the policy document, the other
certification deliverables would be on a separate timeline).
As a datapoint it should be noted that we have been able to
develop certification policy documents of similar complexity
typically in 60 days.
5. Willingness to participate in follow-up:
Yes, a revision of the Certification Policy will require The Open
Group's certification development team to engage in the project.
There is a presentation on roles, responsibilities and deliverables
for certification development that we should review at the next meeting. |