Problem Report Number |
0067 |
Submitter's Classification |
Test Suite problem |
State |
Resolved |
Resolution |
Test Suite Deficiency (TSD) |
Problem Resolution ID |
TSD.PX.0036 |
Raised |
2019-09-28 09:44 |
Updated |
2019-10-07 10:06 |
Published |
2019-10-07 10:06 |
Product Standard |
PSE52 Realtime Controller 1003.1-2003 System |
Certification Program |
POSIX Certified by IEEE and The Open Group |
Test Suite |
VSRT-PSE version 5.4.17 |
Test Identification |
/tset/rt.os/ioprim/ftruncate_P/T.ftruncate_P 3
/tset/rt.os/ioprim/ftruncate_P/T.ftruncate_P 6
Specification |
IEEE Std 1003.13-2003 |
Linked Problem Reports |
0068, 0069 |
Problem Summary |
prototype of tb_ftruncate() not defined as fully qualified in
tset/rt.os/ioprim/ftruncate_P/ftruncate_P.c |
Problem Text |
As a result, we are asking the question here to determine whether
is a known issue in the POSIX PSE52 conformance test suite.
In file: *v**sx0/tset/rt.os/ioprim/ftruncate_P/ftruncate_P.c*
The prototype for tb_ftruncate is not fully qualified:
*private int tb_ftruncate();*
Implementation is:
*private int tb_ftruncate(fildes, length)**
**int fildes;**
**off_t length;*
*{ ... }*
As a result, we are seeing the following test cases fail:
*/tset/rt.os/ioprim/ftruncate_P/T.ftruncate_P 3 Failed*
*/tset/rt.os/ioprim/ftruncate_P/T.ftruncate_P 6 Failed*
* *Expected Result:**
**No these errors*
* *Actual Result:**
**Has errors*
* *Key error log output*
We can see in *v**sx0/tset/rt.os/ioprim/ftruncate_P/ftruncate.c,
is a modification history for this fix, but not in ftruncate_P.c
*We are trying to complete our test run for conformance with the
RTOS and not able to pass this test.
NOTE: This issue was also reported and confirmed via support request
Test Output |
/tset/rt.os/ioprim/ftruncate_P/T.ftruncate_P 3 Failed
Test Description:
A call to ftruncate() when the regular file was previously shorter
than length shall set the bytes between the old and new lengths to 0.
Test Information:
Read returned 0, expected 1
/tset/rt.os/ioprim/ftruncate_P/T.ftruncate_P 6 Failed
Test Description:
A successful call to ftruncate() marks for update the status change
time and data modification time fields of the file.
Test Information:
ftruncate failed, errno = 22 (EINVAL) |