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Problem Report 2206 Details

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This page provides all information on Problem Report 2206.

Report 2206 Actions

    Problem Report Number 2206
    Submitter's Classification Test Suite problem
    State Resolved
    Resolution Test Suite Deficiency (TSD)
    Problem Resolution ID TSD.X.1125
    Raised 1970-01-01 08:00
    Updated 2003-03-13 08:00
    Published 1998-03-26 08:00
    Product Standard Motif Toolkit
    Certification Program The Open Brand certification program
    Test Suite VSM version 4.0.0
    Test Identification widgets/XmCommandDialog 2
    Problem Summary TSD4M.00032 This request is in reference to these types of errors. 520|1376 2 9581 1 56|TEST: Create with XmNcommand='<Key>F8' 520|1376 2 9581 1 57|ERROR: Resource XmNtextString: Expected '' received 520|1376...
    Problem Text
    This request is in reference to these types of errors.

    520|1376 2 9581 1 56|TEST: Create with XmNcommand='<Key>F8'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 57|ERROR: Resource XmNtextString: Expected '' received

    520|1376 2 9581 1 134|TEST: Create with XmNtextString='<Key>F8'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 135|ERROR: Resource XmNcommand: Expected '' received

    A waiver TSD4M.00015 was granted for similar errors in test purpose #3.

    Test Output
    520|1376 2 9581 1 1|VSM4TESTSUITE PURPOSE 2
    520|1376 2 9581 1 2|The members of the resource set for the
    520|1376 2 9581 1 3|widget which are defined in the Motif Toolkit API
    520|1376 2 9581 1 4|specification as having access mode 'C' shall be
    520|1376 2 9581 1 5|at widget creation time.
    520|1376 2 9581 1 6|TEST: Create with XmNallowOverlap='True'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 7|TEST: Create with XmNallowOverlap='False'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 8|TEST: Create with XmNbackground='1'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 9|TEST: Create with XmNbackground='0'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 10|TEST: Create with XmNbackground='16'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 11|TEST: Create with XmNbackground='17'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 12|TEST: Create with XmNbackground='21'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 13|TEST: Create with XmNbackground='24'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 14|TEST: Create with XmNbackgroundPixmap='12582915'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 15|TEST: Create with XmNbackgroundPixmap='12582916'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 16|TEST: Create with XmNbackgroundPixmap='12582917'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 17|TEST: Create with XmNbackgroundPixmap='12582918'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 18|TEST: Create with XmNbackgroundPixmap='12582919'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 19|TEST: Create with XmNbackgroundPixmap='12582920'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 20|TEST: Create with XmNbackgroundPixmap='12582921'

    520|1376 2 9581 1 21|TEST: Create with XmNbackgroundPixmap='12582922'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 22|TEST: Create with XmNbackgroundPixmap='12582923'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 23|TEST: Create with XmNborderColor='27'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 24|TEST: Create with XmNborderColor='28'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 25|TEST: Create with XmNborderColor='29'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 26|TEST: Create with XmNborderColor='30'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 27|TEST: Create with XmNborderColor='31'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 28|TEST: Create with XmNborderColor='32'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 29|TEST: Create with XmNborderPixmap='12582915'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 30|TEST: Create with XmNborderPixmap='12582916'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 31|TEST: Create with XmNborderPixmap='12582917'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 32|TEST: Create with XmNborderPixmap='12582918'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 33|TEST: Create with XmNborderPixmap='12582919'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 34|TEST: Create with XmNborderPixmap='12582920'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 35|TEST: Create with XmNborderPixmap='12582921'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 36|TEST: Create with XmNborderPixmap='12582922'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 37|TEST: Create with XmNborderPixmap='12582923'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 38|TEST: Create with XmNbottomShadowColor='33'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 39|TEST: Create with XmNbottomShadowColor='34'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 40|TEST: Create with XmNbottomShadowColor='35'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 41|TEST: Create with XmNbottomShadowColor='36'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 42|TEST: Create with XmNbottomShadowColor='37'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 43|TEST: Create with XmNbottomShadowColor='38'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 44|TEST: Create with XmNbottomShadowPixmap='12582915'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 45|TEST: Create with XmNbottomShadowPixmap='12582916'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 46|TEST: Create with XmNbottomShadowPixmap='12582917'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 47|TEST: Create with XmNbottomShadowPixmap='12582918'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 48|TEST: Create with XmNbottomShadowPixmap='12582919'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 49|TEST: Create with XmNbottomShadowPixmap='12582920'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 50|TEST: Create with XmNbottomShadowPixmap='12582921'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 51|TEST: Create with XmNbottomShadowPixmap='12582922'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 52|TEST: Create with XmNbottomShadowPixmap='12582923'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 53|TEST: Create with XmNchildPlacement='1'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 54|TEST: Create with XmNchildPlacement='2'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 55|TEST: Create with XmNchildPlacement='0'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 56|TEST: Create with XmNcommand='<Key>F8'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 57|ERROR: Resource XmNtextString: Expected '' received

    520|1376 2 9581 1 58|TEST: Create with XmNcommand='<Key>t'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 59|ERROR: Resource XmNtextString: Expected '' received

    520|1376 2 9581 1 60|TEST: Create with XmNdefaultPosition='True'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 61|TEST: Create with XmNdefaultPosition='False'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 62|TEST: Create with XmNdialogTitle='<Key>F8'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 63|TEST: Create with XmNdialogTitle='<Key>t'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 64|TEST: Create with XmNforeground='38'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 65|TEST: Create with XmNforeground='39'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 66|TEST: Create with XmNforeground='40'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 67|TEST: Create with XmNforeground='41'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 68|TEST: Create with XmNforeground='42'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 69|TEST: Create with XmNforeground='43'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 70|TEST: Create with XmNhighlightColor='44'

    520|1376 2 9581 1 71|TEST: Create with XmNhighlightColor='45'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 72|TEST: Create with XmNhighlightColor='46'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 73|TEST: Create with XmNhighlightColor='47'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 74|TEST: Create with XmNhighlightColor='48'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 75|TEST: Create with XmNhighlightColor='49'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 76|TEST: Create with XmNhighlightPixmap='12582915'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 77|TEST: Create with XmNhighlightPixmap='12582916'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 78|TEST: Create with XmNhighlightPixmap='12582917'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 79|TEST: Create with XmNhighlightPixmap='12582918'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 80|TEST: Create with XmNhighlightPixmap='12582919'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 81|TEST: Create with XmNhighlightPixmap='12582920'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 82|TEST: Create with XmNhighlightPixmap='12582921'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 83|TEST: Create with XmNhighlightPixmap='12582922'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 84|TEST: Create with XmNhighlightPixmap='12582923'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 85|TEST: Create with XmNhistoryMaxItems='1'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 86|TEST: Create with XmNhistoryMaxItems='8'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 87|TEST: Create with XmNhistoryMaxItems='10'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 88|TEST: Create with XmNhistoryMaxItems='20'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 89|TEST: Create with XmNhistoryVisibleItemCount='1'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 90|TEST: Create with XmNhistoryVisibleItemCount='8'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 91|ERROR: Resource XmNhistoryVisibleItemCount:
    Expected 8,
    received 2
    520|1376 2 9581 1 92|TEST: Create with XmNhistoryVisibleItemCount='10'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 93|ERROR: Resource XmNhistoryVisibleItemCount:
    Expected 10,
    received 2
    520|1376 2 9581 1 94|TEST: Create with XmNhistoryVisibleItemCount='20'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 95|ERROR: Resource XmNhistoryVisibleItemCount:
    Expected 20,
    received 2
    520|1376 2 9581 1 96|TEST: Create with
    520|1376 2 9581 1 97|TEST: Create with
    520|1376 2 9581 1 98|TEST: Create with XmNmappedWhenManaged='True'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 99|TEST: Create with XmNmappedWhenManaged='False'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 100|TEST: Create with XmNmarginHeight='1'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 101|TEST: Create with XmNmarginHeight='2'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 102|TEST: Create with XmNmarginHeight='3'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 103|TEST: Create with XmNmarginHeight='10'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 104|TEST: Create with XmNmarginHeight='50'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 105|TEST: Create with XmNmarginWidth='1'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 106|TEST: Create with XmNmarginWidth='2'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 107|TEST: Create with XmNmarginWidth='3'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 108|TEST: Create with XmNmarginWidth='10'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 109|TEST: Create with XmNmarginWidth='50'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 110|TEST: Create with XmNnavigationType='0'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 111|TEST: Create with XmNnavigationType='1'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 112|TEST: Create with XmNnavigationType='2'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 113|TEST: Create with XmNnavigationType='3'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 114|TEST: Create with XmNnoResize='True'

    520|1376 2 9581 1 115|TEST: Create with XmNnoResize='False'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 116|TEST: Create with XmNpromptString='<Key>F8'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 117|TEST: Create with XmNpromptString='<Key>t'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 118|TEST: Create with XmNresizePolicy='0'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 119|TEST: Create with XmNresizePolicy='2'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 120|TEST: Create with XmNresizePolicy='1'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 121|TEST: Create with
    520|1376 2 9581 1 122|TEST: Create with XmNselectionLabelString='<Key>t'

    520|1376 2 9581 1 123|TEST: Create with XmNsensitive='True'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 124|TEST: Create with XmNsensitive='False'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 125|TEST: Create with XmNshadowThickness='1'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 126|TEST: Create with XmNshadowThickness='2'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 127|TEST: Create with XmNshadowThickness='3'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 128|TEST: Create with XmNshadowThickness='10'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 129|TEST: Create with XmNshadowThickness='50'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 130|TEST: Create with XmNshadowType='7'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 131|TEST: Create with XmNshadowType='8'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 132|TEST: Create with XmNshadowType='5'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 133|TEST: Create with XmNshadowType='6'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 134|TEST: Create with XmNtextString='<Key>F8'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 135|ERROR: Resource XmNcommand: Expected '' received
    520|1376 2 9581 1 136|TEST: Create with XmNtextString='<Key>t'
    520|1376 2 9581 1 137|ERROR: Resource XmNcommand: Expected '' received
    520|1376 2 9581 1 147|TEST: Create with XmNtopShadowPixmap='12582915'

    Review Information

    Review Type TSMA Review
    Start Date null
    Completed null
    Status Complete
    Review Recommendation No Resolution Given
    Review Response
    We agree with the applicant and recommend that a waiver be granted
    on the basis of a test suite deficiency.

    Review Type SA Review
    Start Date null
    Completed null
    Status Complete
    Review Resolution Test Suite Deficiency (TSD)
    Review Conclusion
    This is an agreed Test Suite Deficiency.

    Problem Reporting System Options:



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