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Problem Report 2188 Details

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Report 2188 Actions

    Problem Report Number 2188
    Submitter's Classification Minor System Fault
    State Resolved
    Resolution Test Suite Deficiency (TSD)
    Problem Resolution ID TSD.X.1107
    Raised 1970-01-01 08:00
    Updated 2003-03-13 08:00
    Published null
    Product Standard Motif Toolkit
    Certification Program The Open Brand certification program
    Test Suite VSM version 4.0.0
    Test Identification vsm4/tset/widgets/XmSelectionDialog 3,4
    Problem Summary TSD4M.00013 This is caused by the system design problem. Similar cases are XmSelectionDialog 4 about XmNlistVisibleItemCount resource test failure, XmCommandDialog 3 about XmNhistoryVisibleItemCount error. Whenev...
    Problem Text

    This is caused by the system design problem. Similar cases are
    XmSelectionDialog 4 about XmNlistVisibleItemCount resource test failure,
    XmCommandDialog 3 about XmNhistoryVisibleItemCount error.

    Whenever you get XmNlistVisibleItemCount resource, what you get is
    not directly from widget->selection_box.list_visible_item_count, is from
    widget->selection_box.list.visible_item_count, normally they are same, but
    sometimes they could be different. If they are different, it could produce a
    problem, this is what we meet in this XmSelectionDialog 3 test case. "widget"
    here is whatever the widget we are testing.

    This test case is testing the seleciton dialog box widget resources,
    The point here is we should get the resources after the widget is realized,
    because the geometry manager could change some resource's value, but the
    test case get the resources before the widget is realized and later use
    this stored resources' values to compare with whatever resources's values
    got at the later time, this is the reason to cause the failure. The place to
    get the wigdet resouces' values and store them is in file

    This is data structure we need to consider:
    typedef struct

    X/Open Waiver Reference: Page: 1

    WAIVER DOCUMENT X/Open Waiver Reference:

    Widget list_label; /* list Label */
    XmString list_label_string;

    Widget list; /* List */
    XmString *list_items;
    int list_item_count;
    int list_visible_item_count;
    int list_selected_item_position;

    Widget selection_label; /* selection Label */
    XmString selection_label_string;

    Widget text; /* Text */
    XmString text_string;
    short text_columns;

    Widget work_area; /* other widget */

    Widget separator; /* separator */

    Widget ok_button; /* enter button */
    XmString ok_label_string;

    Widget apply_button; /* apply button */
    XmString apply_label_string;

    XmString cancel_label_string; /* cancel button label */

    Widget help_button; /* help button */
    XmString help_label_string;

    XtCallbackList ok_callback; /* callbacks */
    XtCallbackList apply_callback;
    XtCallbackList cancel_callback;
    XtCallbackList no_match_callback;

    XtAccelerators text_accelerators;

    Boolean must_match; /* flags */
    Boolean adding_sel_widgets;
    Boolean minimize_buttons;

    unsigned char dialog_type; /* prompt or selection */
    unsigned char child_placement;
    } XmSelectionBoxPart;

    In the above data structure, the list widget is the actually widget
    to display the listed items, it has a resource called visibleItemCount, see
    ListP.h of Xm lib.

    X/Open Waiver Reference: Page: 2

    WAIVER DOCUMENT X/Open Waiver Reference:

    The default value of XmNlistVisibleItemCount for XmSelectionDialog
    widget is 8, in XmSelectionDialog 3 test case, we get a 3 value for
    XmNlistVisibleItemCount JUST after the widget is realized.
    The reason here is because the size of the XmSelectionDialog is set too
    small by the test case, it is 125*125(width * height). It is set in
    function mvsSetUpGlobalArgs which is in
    is called by the following function in file ../vsm4/src/mvslib/resources/

    widget_info = mvsCreateWidget(widget_class_info, parent_info,
    UseCommonArgs, (ArgList)NULL,0 );

    This size 125*125 is too small to display all the components of the
    XmSelectionDialog widget, so the system reset the size to 125*425 or some
    other bigger size when it is realized( This is done by related function
    of WMShell in Xt lib Shell.c file, such as function ComputeWMSizeHints).
    Because the width is still not wide enough , the system wraped "Ok",
    "Cancel", "Help" buttons around and squeeze the size of XmText widget
    component of XmSelectionDialog widget and cause the system reset
    the XmNlistVisibleItemCount to be 3 depending the size of the list widget
    component. If you check SelectioB.c of Xm lib, here is the code of how to
    get XmNlistVisibleItemCount:

    #ifdef _NO_PROTO
    _XmSelectionBoxGetListVisibleItemCount( wid, resource_offset, value )
    Widget wid ;
    int resource_offset ;
    XtArgVal *value ;
    Widget wid,
    int resource_offset,
    XtArgVal *value )
    #endif /* _NO_PROTO */
    XmSelectionBoxWidget sel = (XmSelectionBoxWidget) wid ;
    int data ;
    Arg al[1] ;

    if( SB_List( sel) )
    XtSetArg( al[0], XmNvisibleItemCount, &data) ;
    XtGetValues( SB_List( sel), al, 1) ;
    *value = (XtArgVal) data ;
    { *value = (XtArgVal) 0 ;
    return ;

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    WAIVER DOCUMENT X/Open Waiver Reference:


    From the code above, you can see that the system try to make list
    widget's resouce XmNvisibleItemCount and the whole selection dialog box widget's
    resource XmNlistVisibleItemCount same and they should be same.

    The normal size of XmSelectionDialog widget in my machine is 358*416
    after it is displayed on the screen.

    When XmSelectionDialog widget is just created in file ../vsm4/src/

    /* Create actual widget */
    widget_info->widget = (*widget_class_info->proc_CreateWidget)

    XmNlistVisibleItemCount here is still 8 because above line will set all the
    resource to default, you can get this value and print it out to demo.
    XmNlistVisibleItemCount will be changed to be 3 after this line of code:


    Here is the code for function XtRealizeWidget:
    if (XtIsRealized (widget)) return;


    CallChangeManaged(widget) will set XmNlistVisibleItemCount to 0. You
    can use the following block after CallChangeManaged(widget) to check:

    Arg myArg[1];
    int ac;
    XrmName newArgName;
    XrmResourceList *res, *xrmres;
    Cardinal num_resources;
    char* base;
    int i;
    WidgetClass wc = XtClass(widget);

    res = (XrmResourceList *) wc->core_class.resources;
    num_resources = wc->core_class.num_resources;
    newArgName = StringToName("listVisibleItemCount");

    for (xrmres = res, i = 0; i < num_resources; i++, xrmres++) {
    if (newArgName == (*xrmres)->xrm_name) {
    base = (char *) widget;

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    WAIVER DOCUMENT X/Open Waiver Reference:

    base - (*xrmres)->xrm_offset - 1,
    printf("XtRealizeWidget listVisibleItemCount before RealizeWidget %d 0,


    RealizeWidget(widget) will set XmNlistVisibleItemCount to the actual
    value according to XmText widget component size.

    "CallChangeManaged(widget)" will eventually call related function in Xt lib
    Shell.c for WMShell which is the ancester of DialogShell( DialogShell widget
    is the parent of BulletinBoard, and on BulletinBoard to put the
    XmSelectionDialog widget) to compute the size of the selection dialog box.
    Because 125x125 is too small, so the geometry manager will change it to a bigger
    size, in my case is 125x425. At this state, the system is not consistant,
    XmNlistVisibleItemCount of the selection dialog box widget is still 8, the
    XmNvisibleItemCount of list widget is 3, from function
    of above you can see that we return XmNvisibleItemCount of list widget for
    XmNlistVisibleItemCount of the selection dialog box widget if you try to get
    the resource XmNlistVisibleItemCount of the selection dialog box widget, and
    this is what the test case is doing.

    We think we should not change function
    _XmSelectionBoxGetListVisibleItemCount, although we can change this function to
    the following and get around, it's not good:

    #ifdef _NO_PROTO
    _XmSelectionBoxGetListVisibleItemCount( wid, resource_offset, value )
    Widget wid ;
    int resource_offset ;
    XtArgVal *value ;
    Widget wid,
    int resource_offset,
    XtArgVal *value )
    #endif /* _NO_PROTO */
    XmSelectionBoxWidget sel = (XmSelectionBoxWidget) wid ;
    int data ;
    Arg al[1] ;

    X/Open Waiver Reference: Page: 5

    WAIVER DOCUMENT X/Open Waiver Reference:

    if( SB_List( sel) )
    data = SB_ListVisibleItemCount(sel);
    *value = (XtArgVal) data ;

    return ;

    The above change can work fine for this test case, because here later
    it will try to set some other resouces' values, so the system will call
    SetValues function of SelectioB.c eventually, and this function will reset
    XmNvisibleItemCount of list widget according to the XmNlistVisibleItemCount
    of the whole selection dialog box widget, and because it will be set to 8
    instead of current value 3, the whole selection dialog box widget will blow up,
    here is the code in function SetValues to set list widget XmNvisibleItemCount:
    (Xm SelectioB.c)
    if (new_w->selection_box.list_visible_item_count !=
    #ifndef OSF_v1_2_4
    XtSetArg (al[ac], XmNvisibleItemCount,
    new_w->selection_box.list_visible_item_count); ac++;
    #else /* OSF_v1_2_4 */
    current->selection_box.list_visible_item_count) {
    XtSetArg (al[ac], XmNvisibleItemCount,
    new_w->selection_box.list_visible_item_count); ac++;
    #endif /* OSF_v1_2_4 */
    #ifndef OSF_v1_2_4
    if (ac)
    if (SB_List (new_w))
    XtSetValues (SB_List (new_w), al, ac);
    #else /* OSF_v1_2_4 */
    if (ac) {
    if (SB_List (new_w))
    XtSetValues (SB_List (new_w), al, ac);
    new_w->selection_box.list_items = NULL ;
    #endif /* OSF_v1_2_4 */

    How about the case that the users just give a very small size for the
    Shell widget and don't call XtSetValues? If we make the above change in function
    the users will get a wrong result if you compare the result with the dialog
    box, because the list widget can only list 3 items and the dialog box will not
    blow up.

    X/Open Waiver Reference: Page: 6

    WAIVER DOCUMENT X/Open Waiver Reference:

    If we do make a change, instead of make changes in function
    _XmSelectionBoxGetListVisibleItemCount, assume we can make a change in
    XtRealizeWidget function's RealizeWidget to keep selection dialog box's
    XmNlistVisibleItemCount same as XmNvisibleItemCount(I am not sure that we must
    be able to do so.), then we will get an ugly selection dialog box displayed,
    if the user call XtSetValues to set some resouces other than
    XmNlistVisibleItemCount, this ugly dialog box will not be changed, this is not
    not a good interface.

    So I think instead of change the Xm or Xt lib file, it's better to
    modify VSM4 itself. We don't want to break the consistence of GUI.

    To get around this problem, just set the size to be 500*500 instead of
    125*125 in ../vsm4/src/mvslib/resources/mvsSetUpGlob.c's function

    Review Information

    Review Type SA Review
    Start Date null
    Completed null
    Status Complete
    Review Resolution Test Suite Deficiency (TSD)
    Review Conclusion
    This is an agreed Test Suite Deficiency.

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