The Open Group Open CITS Certification - Problem Reporting and Interpretations System
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PR# Documents State Resolution Problem Resolution ID Summary
0001 Accreditation Requirements Resolved CSD CSD.ITSC.0001 Checklist requirement 76 is very unclear and inconsistent with the base requirement
0005 Conformance Requirements Resolved CSD CSD.ITSC.0002 Error in Training focus area in Level 1 template
0006 Conformance Requirements Resolved CSD CSD.ITSC.0003 two or three examples for Level 1 CFSs?
0016 Conformance Requirements Resolved EPD EPD.ITSC.0001 Level 1 Template asks for 3 profiles. Only 2 are required by the Conformance Requirements
0017 Conformance Requirements Resolved INT INT.ITSC.0008 Level 1 template leads to over stringent interpretation of Level 1
0007 Accreditation Requirements Resolved INT INT.ITSC.0003 ACP Boards may operate as panels rather than serial interviews
0011 Accreditation Requirements Resolved INT INT.ITSC.0006 ACP requirements checklist
0010 Conformance Requirements Resolved INT INT.ITSC.0005 proof 40 hours of training
0009 Conformance Requirements Resolved INT INT.ITSC.0007 L1 certification requirement of 3 interviews is causing some workload issues for IBM. IBM proposes that the requirement be reduced down to 1 interview.
0008 Accreditation Policy Resolved INT INT.ITSC.0004 Grandfathering Window too short
0051 Conformance Requirements Resolved INT INT.ITSC.0010 TSDE07 Data Loss Prevention - remove the requirement to define best practices
0003 Conformance Requirements Resolved INT INT.ITSC.0002 AD03 AD at level 2 will not have applied skill level for that requirement anymore
0002 Conformance Requirements Resolved INT INT.ITSC.0001 Time constraints for Profiles at Level 1 are unclear
0032 Conformance Requirements Resolved INT INT.ITSC.0009 ITSC CF10 too weak at Level 2
0029 Conformance Requirements SA Review Inconclusive None None EC01, 2 and 3 time requirement is vague
0015 Accreditation Requirements SA Review Inconclusive None None Accreditation requirement 4.6 (checklist number 47), if interpreted literally seems to preclude ACP board members being appointed who have been certified under the ACPs' own program. I do not believe this is the intent.
0028 Certification Policy Resolved REJ REJ.ITSC.0002 Level 1 people should not serve on boards
0048 Conformance Requirements Resolved REJ REJ.ITSC.0008 Mismatch "Technical Focus" definition on Certifiaction Homepage and "Conformance Requirements" document

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