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Problem Report 0004 Details

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Report 0004 Actions

    Problem Report Number 0004
    Submitter's Classification Specification problem
    State Resolved
    Resolution Interpretation (INT)
    Problem Resolution ID INT.ITACP.0003
    Raised 2006-03-18 05:40
    Updated 2006-05-10 14:16
    Published 2006-05-10 14:16
    Requirements Open CA Accreditation Requirements Version 1.2
    Certification Program Open CA Certification Program
    Specification Open CA Accreditation Requirements Version 1.2
    Location in Spec none
    Problem Summary If an ITAC certified architect is subsequently certified by an ACP at a
    higher level than defined in the ITAC program, should ITAC
    re-certification be permitted?
    Problem Text If an ITAC certified architect is subsequently certified by an ACP at a
    higher level than defined in the ITAC program, should ITAC
    re-certification be permitted?

    The proposed response is as follows:
    If an ITAC certified architect is subsequently certified within an
    Accredited organisation?s program at a level higher than one mapped to
    an ITAC level, then ITAC re-certification should be allowed provided that:-

    * the requirements for certification at that higher level meet or exceed
    the ITAC re-certification requirements

    * there are no conflicts with ITAC re-certification requirements.

    Review Information

    Review Type SA Review
    Start Date 2006-03-18 05:40
    Last Updated 2006-05-10 01:10
    Completed 2006-05-10 01:10
    Status Complete
    Review Recommendation Interpretation (INT)
    Review Response An interpretation is granted as follows:

    If an ITAC certified architect is subsequently certified within an
    Accredited organisation?s program at a level higher than one mapped to
    an ITAC level, then ITAC re-certification should be allowed provided that:-

    * the requirements for certification at that higher level meet or exceed
    the ITAC re-certification requirements

    * there are no conflicts with ITAC conformance requirements or re-
    certification requirements.

    * the higher level must be obtained in the 3 year re-certification window

    Review Type CA Review
    Start Date 2006-05-10 00:10
    Last Updated 2006-05-10 14:16
    Completed 2006-05-10 14:16
    Status Complete
    Review Resolution Interpretation (INT)
    Review Conclusion An interpretation is granted. See the Specification Authority review for
    the text of the interpretation.

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