1. Problem Reporting System Overview1.1 IntroductionThis Problem Reporting System provides functionality to submit, search and manage problem reports related to a specific Certification Program. It uses a web front-end, which gives access to the repository of Problem Reports relating to the program. The web pages presented to a user of the system are tailored to their privileges on the system, which are controlled using their web authorization by a username and password. When a Problem Report is submitted a clear distinction is made between public and confidential information provided by the submitter. When searching, viewing and reviewing problem reports, only the Certification Authority (CA) reviewers will see the confidential information. Public information is accessible by any member of the system. 1.2 Access to the Problem Report SystemThe problem reporting system is accessed using a series of URLs that can be book-marked in a browser. However, the most natural starting points are the actions of searching the repository for existing problem reports, and raising new problem reports. Access to the problem report system requires privileges on the hosting web server. Privilege levels are granted based on group or access list memberships on the server. For example, users in one of the reviewer lists may review problem reports using the web interface, but users who are not in a reviewer list may only search for public information on problem reports. The roles in the problem reporting system are listed below. In the list, TSMA is the Test Suite Maintenance Authority (the group of people who maintain the test suites), SA is the Specification Authority (the group of people who develop the specifications), and CA is the Certification Authority (the group of people who manage the certification program):
The Problem Reports tracked in the system go through the life-cycle described below. This description covers those parts of the life-cycle that have software support, which does not include all the possible states in the Problem Reporting and Interpretations process. Member Action � Raise a Problem ReportAll members can submit problem reports. Submitters provide their name, contact, company and product information, which are all kept confidential. Submitters also provide information on the problem, including their own classification of the type of problem (see below), a problem description, and references to any test suites or specifications involved. This information is public and will be visible to all users of the Problem Reporting system. When a member first submits an problem report, it enters a review state based on the submitter�s classification of the problem. If the classification is a Test Suite problem a TSMA review is started, If the classification is a Certification System problem a CA review is started, and otherwise a SA review is started. The appropriate reviewers will receive a notification email indicating that the Problem Report has been raised and the review started. Whatever the review, the CA and SA reviewers will always be notified of new reports raised. Reviewer Action � Discuss a Problem Report in a ReviewAll users in the review group for a given review type may join in the discussions on the Problem Report using the web interface and the URL given them in the review notification email. Comments will be accumulated in the review, but will only be visible to users of the particular review group, not to reviews in other review groups (e.g. the CA cannot see the TSMA review comments). Responder Action � End a Problem Report ReviewAfter reviewers have come to a conclusion about a Problem Report, one of the responders provides the official response to the review and this closes the review. This comment is the only information concerning a review that is publicly visible. If it is a CA or TSMA review, a SA Review is then automatically started (and SA Reviewers notified). If it is a SA Review, then the CA is notified. CA Responder Action � Notify submitter of SA review outcomeAfter the SA review of a Problem Report, the CA notifies the submitter using the web interface. The review may not have been conclusive, and in which case an Expert Group Review will automatically be started. If the review was conclusive the Problem Report will change state. SA Action � Conduct an Expert Group ReviewFor Problem Reports whose resolution is still inconclusive after the SA review, the SA carries out an Expert Group review in exactly the same way as other reviews. An expert group review cannot return an inconclusive outcome. CA Responder Action � Publish Problem ReportThe CA updates the Problem Report to publish it. CA Responder Action � Mark Problem Report as AppealedThe CA updates the Problem Report to mark it as appealed. CA Responder Action � Notify submitter of appeal outcomeIf a submitter has appealed against the resolution of their Problem Report, the appeal process will be used to resolve the issue. This is not tracked in the Problem Reporting system. However, once the appeal outcome is known the CA notifies the submitter and publishes the Problem Report with the final outcome.